The philosopher John Mill expressed his belief about belief (above) in this interesting aphorism.
It’s well established scientifically that our beliefs drive how we think about the world. How we behave then flows out of our world-view. So it is with our leadership behaviours. What we believe about leadership drives our leader behaviours.
Here is a sample of some well-repeated leadership beliefs. What behaviours flow from such beliefs?
- Hire slowly, fire quickly
- Cash is king
- Grow broke
- You must inspect what you expect
- A square peg in a round hole
- Profit through volume
- Leaders are born, not made
- Safe as a bank
- Greed is good
... and the famous César Ritz belief: The customer is never wrong (always right).
What do your people in your organisation/business believe? How do these beliefs match what you believe? Is there any blood-type match?
At The Culture Doctor® we have some very simple tools to answer these two key questions. That’s the easy part!
The challenging bit is how a leader might change the beliefs of her/his people to embrace the beliefs of the organisation and its leadership. When this alignment or coherence is achieved, the released discretionary effort transforms the productivity of the company.
What would a 1% improvement in your productivity mean? What about 10%? Dare you dream of 40% or higher? It IS possible!
Contact us to discover how we might assist you to unfold your dream or solve your productivity problem.