It’s not uncommon for leaders to be unaware of problems with their corporate cultures. More importantly, such leaders miss the link between cultural problems and lost productivity
Dr Richard Hagberg agrees “Upper management tends to minimize or underestimate the power of problems within the company.”
According to Hagberg, “CEOs often have a very accurate perception of what’s happening outside the company (the marketplace, competitors, customer issues, etc.), but a far less accurate idea of the corporation’s internal landscape. When it comes to reading the culture and its climate, how employees really feel about things, the CEO and his or her senior staff often appear to be clueless.”
Are you a leader who doesn’t quite know where to start on this crucial issue of corporate culture?
We have proven remedies for such dilemmas. Contact us at The Culture Doctor ® and we’ll come to you to discuss how we can assist you to become highly effective in leading and aligning your organisation’s culture for a significant lift in your productivity outcomes.