The Queensland Courier Mail carried this story today:
“EMPLOYERS are cutting costs and dropping the collaborative management style of the 21st century in a return of the 1950s-style boss, says social researcher and leadership expert Avril Henry.
Bosses are doing everything from cutting out biscuits to banning hot food from the office and telling employees to snack on fruit outside in a bid to cut cleaning costs and cope with strained budgets, Ms Henry says.
“I think that (attitude is) what’s going to change workplace culture,” says Ms Henry, also a trained accountant.
“We have too many workplaces which are toxic, by toxic I mean people aren’t valued.
They’re also micromanaging and bossing their staff around, rather than engaging with them, she says.
“(It) sends a signal to employees that ‘I don’t trust you can do the job without being closely supervised’, it equates not seeking input from anybody below senior executive level,” she says.”
High trust workplace cultures produce superior productivity.
The workplaces described in this CM article have fake leaders and their people know it. These bosses just don’t get it.
Luckily, The Culture Doctor® has good and proven remedies for such corporate ills.
If you’d like to do more with your corporate culture, contact us for an initial consultation. You’ll be delighted with the turnaround in corporate culture we can achieve in partnership with you.