A study, by recruitment agency Hudson, interviewed more than 400 bosses and workers and found that three out of every four bosses believe things are fine among their employees.
But 46 per cent of employees say they’re not. Hudson Queensland reportedly said that in every aspect of workplace sentiment - from job satisfaction to motivation, morale, perceived stress levels and job security – many employers were “unaware of their employees’ frame of mind”.
This stuff is at the heart of an understanding of corporate culture.
It doesn’t have to be this way though.
The Culture Doctor Pty Ltd ® provides the neutral person to work between the boss and their people to identify the actual culture, authentically.
Once the reality check is completed, a plan of action to build a robust culture is prescribed and administered. Productivity is the big winner.
Why not take the free culture check here on this site and then give The Culture Doctor a call 0418 451 388?